Wow! That was an exciting race!!! Thank you so much for such an amazing turn out and for getting everyone to vote! After verifying votes, and unfortunately having to disqualify some votes for not meeting the criteria listed in the contest post, never in a million years did I think that it would come down to TWO votes that separated 1st from 2nd place and ONE vote separating 2nd from 3rd. What to do? What to do?… So, I think that an 11×14 canvas should be awarded to both the 1st and 2nd place winners since these families did a fantastic job getting support for their images!
You’re probably wanting to know the results right? Drum roll please…
1st Place: #5 (wins 11×14 canvas of this image)

2nd Place: #11 (wins an 11×14 canvas of this image)

3rd Place: #1 (wins an 8×10 print of this image)

Congratulations again to the winners and I’ll be in touch with you once your canvases arrive! Stay tuned to this blog and Facebook for future contests and announcements. Thank you everyone for your participation and support!